Taltech Mobility And Presentation

  • May 5th

The inviting person(s): Prof. Dr. Eduard Petlenkov, Dr. Aleksei Tepljakov.

Department: School of Information Technologies, Centre for Intelligent Systems

Virtual/extended reality technologies, along with artificial intelligence, are rapidly advancing and have the potential to revolutionize our interactions with the world. In this presentation, we will delve into the latest breakthroughs in VR/XR and AI, with a particular emphasis on their potential applications in education, especially within the MetaCBU context. We will explore how these technologies are being harnessed to create more immersive and interactive educational simulations, enhance the learner experience, identify new teaching strategies, and transform collaboration between stakeholders. Additionally, we will discuss how AI-powered virtual worlds s first developed for education can be adapted and applied to other fields such as engineering, healthcare, and entertainment. Nevertheless, as with any emergent technology, ethical considerations such as privacy, security, and bias must also be addressed. Finally, we will explore the future of these technologies, including more advanced haptic feedback systems based on data, decision support systems for virtual environments, and the potential to create even more realistic and immersive virtual worlds.


Dr. Ali Geriş


Member of Extended Reality Laboratory

Department of Instructional Technologies, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Turkey

Topics: VR/XR technologies, applications in different fields, educational virtual environments, creating immersive experience, salient features of MetaCBU.

Dr. Murat Kılınç


Member of Extended Reality Laboratory

Computer Research and Application Center, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Turkey

Topics: Processing data in VR, development database and dashboard, building predictive models for VR data with feature selection techniques and machine learning algorithms.